A Crave Chef Showcase

The “Do-it-yourself” (DIY) philosophy has become a very popular trend across a lot of industries the past couple of years. There is an important facet to this philosophy that involves learning and growing as an individual. Take cooking for example— in the hope that people stray away from buying processed, frozen food or even fast food, cooking for yourself and teaching others in your family how actually empowers them for the rest of their life. Now when it comes to catering, there are a variety of ways to do things yourself, per se. We have set up anything from DIY bloody Mary bars to build your own dessert stations that allow guests to let their imagination run wild with their food. Crave Catering also features a chef showcase for smaller gatherings that want to see how our dishes are created. One of our chefs comes out to the event to demonstrate how to make one of our dishes or appetizers for the guests to gain more insight into the catering world. There is something about seeing chefs create masterpieces with food that gets us really excited todive in and try them for ourselves!
Check out our chef showing some guests how to make tuna tartare!